삼 탈워 more Beautiful - sam tal-wo more Beautiful

The Gathering : Sandbox 2.3.55


  1. 2.3.55 - Update for TUP update.
  2. New UI

    • Why is my <The Gathering> mod series being attacked with 'negative ratings'?
    • 2.3.50 - Log Viewer : Click 'Log' button after a comman


TheGathering : BattleBox 2.3.2

Update Notes

  • 2.3.0

    • UI change and totally redevelopment to pit UI XML style opened in TW:TK 1.7.0
  • 2.2.3

    • 2.2.3 - Now uses "View camera bookmark 10" shortcut key to open/close panel


더 결집 : UI 1.3.22

  • Character Browser, Biographies, Reset skills, Trait add/remove, Governor slots
  • 장수 검색, 열전 보기, 부상 치료, 스킬 리셋, 트레잇 추가/제거, 태수 슬롯 등 패널 조정
  • 人物搜索,传记,治愈伤口,重置技能,“添加/替换”特性UI,“府署/太守”面板

Update Notes

  • 1.3.2 - The WuXing


더 결집 : 지역 및 한글 패치 2.4.0


  • 2.4.0
    • 공업용 교역항 -> 산업용 교역항 등 공업 -> 산업 5군데 패치
    • 귀족 -> 인물, 장군과 귀족 -> 세력내 인물 등 8군데 패치 (<더 결집 :UI> 모드와 동기화)
    • 부속 장비 획득/손실 -> 장비 분실/획득, 군의 발전-> 지역 발전 등 이벤트 분류 49군데 패치
    • 결혼 관련 UI 및 외교, 이벤트 메시


삼국집결 1.1.3 - 갈라진 운명

1.1.4 Update

- 1.7.1 버전 대응 업데이트

- 조조 플레이시에 장패 세력 제대로 스폰 되지 않고, 미션이 클리어 되는 문제를 수정하였습니다.

1.1.3 Update

- TUP 사용 시, 호환 문제로 200년 조조 하비성 전투가 등장하지 않습니다.

- 반란군은 지역 갯수가 3개 이하인 세력에게는 등장하지 않습니다.

- 조조의 서주참극 이벤트로 인한 공질 감소 효과가 사라지는 버그...

음성 고정 모드

고유 성우가 없는 유니크 장수들은 시작할때나 불러올때 클론 보이스 2개중 하나를 랜덤으로 선택하는데 이걸 없이 고정시키는 모드 입니다. EX) 전위, 허저, 태사자, 장합, 장료 등등

모사, 여성 유니크 무장은 수정 하지 않았고 몇몇은 오행에 맞추지 않고 제 취향대로 이미지에 맞는 목소리로 변경 고정했으니 마음에 안드시면 직접 수정하셔서 될 것 같습니다.

이 모드는 조운 음성 수정 모드가 추가된 모드입니다.


1.7.1 BUG FIX 修复

This mod made by all the community fixed 110 bugs that CA will never fix. Please let we know if this mod has any problem, or there are bugs you think we might can fix.

This mod doesn't require new campaign, and should be compatible with everything. TRO...

Better Battle Camera 更好的战场镜头

Increased max and min height of battle camera. Now you can overlook the battle field from much higher positions or enjoy Cao Cao’s knee....

Recruited unique character can use their special units


This mod allows most unique character can recruit their "original" faction's special units. If I play as Liu Bei and Xiahou Yuan in my function can still recruit Tiger and Leopard cavalry and Heavy Tiger and Leopard cavalry.

ui general select 武将过滤

ui 武将过滤


ui general filter
In order to facilitate the operation when there are too many generals
The army recruitment interface has added...

Better AI Templates 更好的AI配兵

This mod edited how AI evaluate a unit's quality, so they will use more elite units instead of militia everywhere. Some vanilla settings are ridiculous like AI thinks mounted archers are better than heavy mounted archers or mercenary infantry/cavalry are j...

황실 호의 개편 모드


  • 190, 194, 200 캠페인 모두 사용 가능
  • 본인 타겟 금지
  • 딜레이 턴 감소 : 호의 조작 (5 -> 4), 한나라의 적 선포(10 -> 7)
  • A.I. 호의 음모 시 본인들 cost 감소 적용 (플레이어와 동일)
  • 호의 임무 추가
  • 주목(유표, 공융, 마등) 칭제 가능
  • 황실의 부름 : 황실연회
    황실에서 연회를 개최합니다


병종 요구 테크 감소 모드

시간이 지나치게 오래 걸리거나 불합리한 병종 테크를 일부 수정합니다.

극병 - 곡창테크에서 제거, 테크 위치 변경

민란군, 창병전사, 농민 습격대 - 0티어 테크로 재조정

기마노병, 도보병, 도기병 - 요구 테크 1단계 감소

옥룡대, 제국 창기병대 - 요구 테크 중장 마갑기병과 통합

기타 룡대, 제국 근위대 시리즈 - 요구 테크 1단계씩 감소(흑룡대&제국노병 제외)...

quick trait

New Update !

Everything in Cover Image. Eaaaaaasy


Dead Unit Tell No Tales


If your unit wiped out in battle, they would return after a few turn in vanilla.

This mod make generals LOSE broken units like other Total War series.

- Garrison Unit would NOT break. They would be in reinforcement righ...

Kelstr's No Campaign Clouds

Originally posted by Kelstr:

This mod removes the campaign clouds on the map. I found that my FPS dropped significantly whenever clouds were anywhere near my screen.

Enjoy !!!


  1. Subscribe to this mod.
  2. Enable the mod in


[1.7.1] Kelstr's Realistic Battle Blood | 现实的战斗血

Originally posted by Kelstr:

This mod drastically increases the blood splatters on the ground. I hated how at 100% blood decal setting, the characters are COVERED in blood, but there wasn't too much on the ground.

This mod fixes that. I've increased the size and durat


Heroes don’t get dismounted

Heroes don’t get dismounted by charging the enemy infantry

Patch 1.3.0 introduced that heroes can be dismounted if they charge into infantry that are in Spear or Shield Wall formation.
Sometimes it leads to the situation when a hero being thrust forw...

Flame of the Phoenix visual effect buff

Add the visual effect of crushing blow(dynasty mode) to Flame of the Phoenix.


Now works on Rage of LǚBu.

Caution:When the hero dismounts,...

Less blood Realistic blood(read description)

change point
- blood texture change
- less blood effect
- change blood vfx

All screenshots were 50%, 50%
The majority of users recommended 65%80%

lastest version : 2.2v

I see that this mode is different from the screen...

Arrow Trails Redux


For enhanced fire arrows, you need to set your "VFX detail" settings to "high" or above.

Updated for Patch 1.5


Arrow Trails Redux is designed to red...

Enhanced Dust Particles


This mod requires you to set your "VFX detail" settings to "high" or above.


Enhanced Particles is a follow on from the very popular mod for Rome 2 of th...

Campaign BGM Replace

ive been a fan for ROTK series from KO** and loved theirs BGM, regardless those series successed or not

this mod replaces only vanilla campaign BGM, not battle BGM, with ROTK series' BGM.

here playlist

1. 曹操のテーマ(조조의 테마 Cao Cao Theme)
2. 劉備のテー...

3Point Skill (TUP add-on) - 1.7.1v

본모드는 바닐라의 답답합을 극복하고 장수의 개성을 바로 느끼게 하기 위해
아래와 같은 내용이 변경 되었습니다.

참고로 TUP 전용 모드입니다.

첫번째 모든 장수는 특수 스킬 3개가 활성화 되어있습니다.

두번째 유연의 재배치 비용을 -25%에서 -5%로 조정하였습니다.

세번째 수행원이나 통솔로 되어 있던 스킬의 효과 범위를 대부분 아군으로 변경하였습니다.
AI가 자신의 오행에 맞지 않는 스킬과 병종을 갖추어도



Better than before Sun Ce's face modeling.

Facial texture changes...

Puzzle3D (v1.7.1)


퍼즐 전용 모델링 342개가 추가됩니다.
전용모델링을 아직 못만든 일러스트의 경우 일러와 모델링이 일치 하지 않습니다.(약100개)

해당모드는 MTU와 Puzzle, WDG2를 필수로 필요로 합니다.
*WDG2 mtu addon은 필요 없습니다.

함께 제작에 힘써주신 '화성까마귀, 서량기병마등, k.han, 딴또딴또'님께도 응원 부탁드립니다.
그리고 제작에 도움주신 '김펀치, MTU제작팀, 술취한...

Sun Ren | face retexture

❤Rate if you like, Favorite if you love. Support if you please CririnPatreon[www.patreon.com]

About this mod

Sun Ren one of the four legendary beautiful ladies of Three Kingdoms. But everyone known that model...

Zheng Jiang | model retexture

❤Rate if you like, Favorite if you love. Support if you please CririnPatreon[www.patreon.com]

About this mod

After "Sun Ren | model retexture" mod. there are another warlord that many people wan...

Puzzle illustration (1.7.0)

MOD Introduction

Campaign in use: 182/190/194/200

This mod gives illustrations to clone clones who appear as historical objects.
This mode gives each general a personality.

380+ illustrations are given, including famous historic...

[WDG : grow aged] Unique Only (1.7v)


이 모드는 영웅들이 시간이 흐름에 따라 모습을 변경되는 모드입니다.
1.60 이후 문제를 일으켜서 모델링은 삭제되었습니다.

This is the mod in which heroes change appearance over time.
Modeling has been deleted since 1.60 due to a problem.

Special Thank you. : MarsCrow

P.S 이 모...

WDG : Female Only (1.7v)

WDG중 여장수만 따로 빼낸 모드입니다. 나이 변화도 삭제되었습니다.
WDG : Female only. Age changes have also been deleted.

***WDG를 다른 모드들보다 위로 해주세요.
***Put WDG above other mod.


[WDG2] Season2 update!!!

모드 호환성 / mod compatibility / mod互換性 :

With MTU? ,With Puzzle?, With WU? : << Add_on Required
With Generic Generals Overhaul? NO!
With DIY Face? No / With Cloak Fix(망토 추가 모드)? No /

***WDG를 다른 모드들보다 위로 해주세요.
***Put WDG above other mod.


Radious Increased Upkeep Submod - 80%

Radious Total War Mod - Three Kingdoms - Increased Upkeep Submod - 80%

Overview - This is a submod to our main Radious Overhaul for Three Kingdoms. It increases unit upkeep by roughly 80%, for both players and the AI. It is intended for peop...

Radious + Make Them Unique Compatibility Patch

Radious Total War Mod - Three Kingdoms - Make Them Unique Compatibility Patch

Overview - This is a compatibility patch between Radious and Make Them Unique. It only makes small changes to Make Them Unique to balance the mod better around Rad...

Radious+Wuxing Matters More New

My old version stopped working and I got tired of trying to figure it out. So here, this one works, if you have any issues let me know, if it works, also let me know, I like hearing positive things. The same load order as the old version still applies, jus...


**이 모드를 MTU 보다 더 위에서 실행해 주세요**

This mod strives to make the skillsets of unique characters more unique by adding custom, vanilla friendly skills to legendary generals. The list is as follows:

이 모드...

Wuxing Matters More Than Weapons


Basically, makes Wuxing stats (Instinct, Resolve and Expertise) gives flat attack stats bonuses and reduced all weapon stats in half to compensate

NOTE: this only works properly in Romance mode

To understand why I made thi...

Radious Total War Mod - Part 1

Radious Total War Mod - Three Kingdoms - Part 1

Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: ...

Radious Total War Mod - Part 2

Radious Total War Mod - Three Kingdoms - Part 2

Overview - From the award winning team and and from the creators of the most subscribed mods on steam workshop for TW games comes another major modification. This time for brand new Total War: ...

Capture Chance On Faction Destroy

You can ignore the launcher warnings about being up to date , and test yourself if its working before commenting.

Capture Officers On Faction Destroy

Compatible with everything single player
--might have issues with MP...


Dead's Roster Expansion Project Korean translation...

Drunken Panda's Model Pack


This mod contains whole wsmodel, materials and dds files of my mod
- (Factional Units Reskin, Yellow Turbans Reskin, Ordianry Units Reskin and Northern Armies Reskin)

Assets in this model pack come from MTU, TUP and TROM. [b...

Make unique general's skill useful

#갈라진운명 적용완료 (2021 . 3. 12)
기존 유니크장수들의 아쉬운 스킬들을 조정,상향시킨 모드입니다 (2021. 3. 12 업데이트)


1. 하후연
전광석화: 피로증가 삭제, 이동속도 25% 추가 , 범위스킬화 (50m)

2. 관우
무신: 회피율-100%,갑옷-100%추가(무조건 명중)

강동이교: 스킬범위조정 (5000->150), 사기증가 (10 ->30), 이동속도 25%, 숲제약무시 ...

TROM 3.9c Pack 1

TROM 3.9
- New character, Chen Deng. he's a servant of Tao Qian.
- Removed the unique art from Cao Zhi

- Tweaked all units morale.
- Reduced armour value.
- Removed Elite Lancer Cataphracts. Now Jade Dragons are cataphracts.
- Increased tier 3 unit...

Recruited Character Can Use Original Units 招募人物原文化兵種

This mod allows character in other culture's faction still can recruit their original culture's unit. For example Nanman character recruited by Han faction can still unlock all Nanman units including elephants for his own retinue. Units that Han and bandit...

오행 보너스 모드(Elemental Bonus Mod) - 2022/03/25 업데이트

장군들은 각자의 오행 속성에 따라 고용할 수 있는 병사가 다르며, 따라서 자신의 속성에 맞는 병사들을 가장 잘 다룰 수 있어야 합니다. 하지만 오행 능력치는 병사보다 장군 강화에 초점이 맞추어져 있어 실제 오행 능력치의 특색은 미미합니다. 본 모드는 오행 능력치에 보너스를 부여해 각 속성 장군이 속성에 맞는 병력을 지휘할 때 확실한 이득을 주고자 합니다.
Generals have different soldiers that can be hired depe...

Expert AI

Created by Kon

(Updated for patch 1.7.1, enjoy!)


This mod improves a plethora of different modifiers for the

AI only

. The purpose of this mod is to give the player a much more challenging game by putting him at a significant ...

Inter-Promoting Unit Recruitment

木生火 Wood feeds Fire, Champions can recruit Shock Cavalry(Except Cataphract).

火生土 Fire produces Earth, Vanguards can recruit Melee Cavalry.

土生金 Earth bears Metal, Commanders can recruit Melee Infantry.

金生水 Metal collects Water, Sentinels can recru...



AI sometimes takes a stupid trip along Yellow River or Yangtze River even though their hometown are burning up.

This mod makes A.I. tend to keep their hometown. They will expand their power by getting nearby weak and small fact...

Havie Improved Skill Trees (1.7)

You can ignore the launcher warnings about being up to date , and test yourself if its working before commenting.

--Updated for GuanDu 1.7 DLC--
(Special thanks to captain nemo for doing 1.7 update)


Havie Improved skill trees [Official MTU Add-on].pack

Updated for AWB - thanks to PikaMan for finding the time to help

I want to thank Pikaman for helping set up the first compatibility mod. I used what he had and turned it into this. Except this time, its not stand alone. This will allow me to push update...

More Skill Points 更多的技能点

Characters will get 2 skill points at level 8 and 9, 10 skill points at level 10, so you can unlock all skills.

Lu Bu start at level 9 in 194, so he won't be able to unlock all skills when playing in 194 with this mod alone. You can either use sandbox ...

향상된 무기 테이블 모드(Improved Weapon Tables) - 2022/05/12 업데이트

* '오행 보너스 모드'와 병행 사용하는 것을 권장합니다.
It is recommended to be used in parallel with my 'Elemental Bonus' mod

* 무기별 세부사항은 '변경 내역'을 참고해 주십시오(현재 2022/05/12 페이지).
For details, please refer to 'Change History'(2022/05/12 page ver.).

토탈 워: 삼국(이하 삼탈워)은 유닛의 생명력...

The Gathering : Skip All Intros 1.4.1

  • Skip intro movies & Cutscene, Auto-press the continue button
  • 인트로 영상들과 컷신을 스킵하고, "시작/계속" 버튼을 자동으로 누릅니다
  • 跳过介绍性电影和过场动画,自动按继续按钮

Update Notes

  • 1.4.0 - New configuration file to turn on/off settings



최신 우편물
