커플반지 각인 문구 - keopeulbanji gag-in mungu



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Faith, Hope, Love.. Best is love
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(Free engraving service)

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Couple ring 2PR223/224

[��ȥ����� ���� Ŀ�ù���] ���� ring �� 4.7mm / 5.5mm
PT950, SV dia

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We only make handmade jewelry products ever since Enzo is founded. Holding and remaining our handmade way based on craftsmanship and building technology on that spirit is Enzo��s pride

The Values of Enzo �������� ��ġ

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Every Jewelry product created by Enzo is based on craftsmanship and for this reason,
Enzo maintains to make all the products handmade. The first and foremost value that Enzo pursues is customer��s satisfaction and trust through inviting the customer to the entire process of making jewelry from initial stage of designing to the completion and even A/S. It is Enzo��s highest priority to provide sensitive and satisfactory services to the customers.

This spirit and effort starts from the beginning on choosing only the finest materials to embody jewelry��s true value and constantly seeks to delight the customers by even considering the comfortable and pleasant feeling in wearing. It is our basic idea that a masterpiece is not only worn to be all the time but also must be passed down to generations.

���� �̻����� �ͱݼ� ���� �˷��� Platinum (���)�� ���������� ���� ������ ���� �ձ� ������ �̷���� �ֻ��� ��ǰ���� �����մϴ�.
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Platinum is the most ideal material in jewelry making. Enzo only uses the purist and best alloy ratio material in production. Further, Enzo only uses GIA Diamond, the highest quality of certified diamond, that is the most valued in purchasing and reselling, the only certified, worldwide, and official standard that will meet all the appraisal and highest standard criteria of authentic diamond.

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A design, without philosophy, that only has characteristics of full of instant trend become lethargic and valueless in the flow of time. The basic philosophy of Enzo in producing our jewelry art pieces is value beyond ages, presenting long lasting satisfaction to our customers with our unique creativity and originality.
We seek perfectionism from the initial stage of designing to the completion of the production for creating attractiveness, virtual elegant appearance that Jewelry must have, and pleasing, satisfactory, pleasant and smooth internal touch (texture) when you wear it.

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It is take for granted that jewelry art pieces can only be born with the highly skilled craftsmanship. What makes a jewelry into an art piece of this day is not only the best material and skills but also the creative combination of the contemporary design and highly advanced technology.
The cornerstone of Enzo is based on numerous endeavors to combine traditional skills and contemporary , scientific technology on the best material.

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Enzo considers jewelry not as a ��product�� but as a ��special masterpiece that contains our customer��s heart and meaning behind it.�� Thus, it is our most important priority and basic idea that we understand our customers�� heart and meaning first through communications in meetings with our valued customers so that we contain the meaning into the jewelry piece. Enzo remains making direct and handmade way in creating jewelry instead of mass produced way.


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