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Pitch Black, the Nightmare King, is the Rise of the Guardians' re-imagining of the Boogeyman, the mythical creature that haunts the closets and dark corners of childhood nightmares and the main antagonist of the film. He is voiced by Jude Law.


  • 1 Physical Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.1 Powers of Shadow and Darkness
    • 3.2 Powers of Fear and Nightmares
    • 3.3 Black Sand
  • 4 TMNT X Pokemon
  • 5 Trivia

Physical Appearance[]

Pitch is tall, lithe, and dark in appearance. He has silver-golden yellow eyes resembling an eclipse, dull pale-gray skin, and glossy black hair that is styled to come out as slick, sharp spikes from the back of his head. He wears a long, black robe with a v-neck line and shadows running down his arms, obscuring his body like a shadow. Underneath the robe, he wears black trousers and black footwear.


Pitch is everything a child fears, and he thrives on the fear of children, taking a cruel delight in turning their pleasant dreams into nightmares. But what Pitch hates is when children overcome their fears and don't believe in him, particularly when parents tell their kids that the Boogeyman is just a bad dream.

As such, he is hatefully jealous of the Guardians, who are believed in and beloved by children everywhere. Eventually, his hate and jealousy would convince him to undertake a conspiring vendetta against the Guardians and destroy the children's beliefs in them, and he could usher in another Dark Age.

Being a master manipulator, Pitch often preyed on his victims psychologically. His knowledge of people's worst fears allowed him to unnerve his enemies and enjoyed watching them squirm, often leaving their fates to their imagination through thinly-veiled threats before finishing them off. With these abilities he was able to draw Jack from the other Guardians despite being the most powerful against him and distract him long enough by exploiting his worst fear of being forgotten and give his Nightmares time to destroy Easter. This behaviour is evident towards the Guardians due to his deep jealousy toward them. At the Tooth Palace instead of immediately finishing them off, he only gloats and insults them individually by rendering their purposes moot.

As displayed multiple times, Pitch has a perverse level of pleasure from playfully tormenting with his victims in an almost animal-like fashion; these traits are exhibited when he turned Cupcake's dream into a Nightmare, overlooking Sandman's "death" and his behaviour before his attempt to kill Jaime. Pitch also considers his rivalry with the Guardians to be enjoyable as he reacted with excitement when he found another who shared this viewpoint, exclaiming "someone who knows to have a little fun" when Jack was able to challenge him with his magic.

Despite his cruel nature, Pitch has a sympathetic side. Years of loneliness caused him to find a degree of solace within Jack Frost another person who wasn't believed in and admits that he understands being cast out like Jack when he was isolated in the North Pole and consoles that he does indeed long for a family. However, as Jack points out Pitch only wants to be feared rather than loved or believed in and this becomes his undoing as his own nightmares defeat him when his worst fear of not being feared comes true.

However, he is still full of contempt and spite, as he target Jack, at first to use and manipulate him, then to try and recruit him, and then tried to depower (and kill) him when Jack refused to side with him.

Powers and Abilities[]

"Darkness came in the shifting of a villain named Pitch. The dreams he hungered for most were those of children, the pure of heart. He could sense children from seven planets off, and with a mere touch of his hands, he could leave them plagued with nightmares for the rest of their lives." - William Joyce [18]

Powers of Shadow and Darkness[]

Pitch has various shadow powers, such as traversing great distances through shadows and darkness; he can literally become a shadow, and affect the physical world by interacting with other shadows.

While literally hiding in the darkness, he can't be touched or seen unless he deliberately makes his presence known. As darkness is everywhere, Pitch can appear from any shadow or dark corner almost instantly. This is why he hides under beds, because beds are always dark underneath.

Powers of Fear and Nightmares[]

He can create Nightmares shaped as black horses with glowing golden eyes; they are manifestations of fear or corrupted pleasant dreams pulled from the mind of a sleeping child for Pitch to control.

Pitch thrives on Fear, primarily the fear of children, but back in his day, during the Dark Ages, he fed on everyone's fears, which made him incredibly powerful. He appears to have an intuition and power of insight on personal fears, enabling him to determine what any individual fears, which he uses to play mind games or break one's spirits. He claims to always know people's greatest fears.

Black Sand[]

Pitch has his own version of the Sandman's Dreamsand, but Pitch's sand is black and induces bad dreams. He can corrupt Sandy's Dreamsand as well as any pleasant dream a child is having, turning those dreams themselves into Nightmares. Pitch also has the ability to morph his black sand into weapons such as a scythe or a bow and arrow.

According to Pitch, it took him "a while" to perfect his Black Sand, for the purpose of turning Dreams into Nightmares.

TMNT X Pokemon[]

Pitch Black is one of the many villains you'll face throughout the game. He's one of the most dangerous on the difficulty scale.