아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

#2해결 방법 2: 백업 크기를 줄여 iCloud 백업 속도 향상

확실히 백업 크기가 작을수록 iCloud 백업 속도가 빨라집니다. 그리고 백업 크기를 줄이는 방법을 알려드리겠습니다.

1단계: 불필요한 iPhone 데이터 삭제 및 백업 데이터 카테고리 선택

먼저, 설정일반 iPhone 저장소, 그러면 앱 목록이 표시되고 하나를 탭하고 삭제합니다.

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

그런 다음 터치 설정 ⟶ 당신의 이름 ⟶ iCloud에스토리지 관리백업이 아이폰, 탭 모든 앱 표시, 백업할 데이터를 선택할 수 있습니다.

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

예를 들어 사진 백업을 끄고 사진비활성화 및 삭제, 그런 다음 정기적으로 PC로 전송하십시오.

2단계: 컴퓨터에 사진 백업

일반적으로 이미지는 iPhone 저장 공간의 대부분을 차지하므로 iCloud 대신 컴퓨터에 사진을 백업하면 동기화 시간이 많이 절약됩니다.

사진 앱을 열어 일부 이미지와 비디오를 제거하고 원치 않는 사진을 삭제합니다. 기억에 남는 사진을 위해 PC로 전송.

3단계: iCloud 백업 속도를 높이기 위해 더 자주 백업

또한 iCloud 백업은 iPhone에서 다른 데이터를 찾아 업로드하므로 각 백업을 더 빠르게 만들고 싶다면 더 자주 백업해야 합니다.

iCloud 백업을 수동으로 시작하는 방법: iPhone의 잠금을 해제하고 다음으로 이동하십시오. 설정 ⟶ 당신의 이름 ⟶ iCloud에, 목록에서 iPhone을 탭하고 아이 클라우드 백업백업 지금.

Nathan E. Malpass가 마지막으로 업데이트 : December 28, 2019

이것은 매우 일반적인 질문 iDevice users have and it has a very simple answer. It depends on how fast your internet connection is and the size of the file to be backed up.

So for example, if you are running a speed of 3mbps and the size of the file is 2GB then you can expect it to take almost two hours to finish.

While it is completely convenient to use iCloud rather than iTunes since it allows you to backup files remotely without needing a PC, you would still experience some problems along the way.
The most reported is when the iCloud backup is taking longer than expected or it won't completely backup all the files. There are many factors that may cause this but also a few basic things you can do to try to fix the problem.

In this article, you will learn more about the iCloud backup process, how to do it, what to do if you have problems using it and so much more, and how long does it take to backup iPhone to iCloud.

Part 1: Basic Facts And Features of iCloud BackupPart 2: Methods to Perform iCloud BackupPart 3: Reasons Why iCloud Backup Takes longer to Fix and CompletePart 4: Use the FoneDog Toolkit to Improve the Backup Process결론

사람들은 또한 읽습니다iCloud 없이 iPhone에서 삭제된 연락처를 복구하는 2가지 방법iCloud를 새로운 iPhone으로 전송하는 방법?7, 회색으로 표시된 iCloud 백업 문제 해결

Part 1: Basic Facts And Features of iCloud Backup

The other thing that users who are new to the whole iCloud에 platform commonly ask what does it exactly do and can I back up this and that from my iPhone?

Now basically what the iCloud does is it makes a copy of your data from your iDevice and stores it remotely so that you can have access to it wherever you are as long as you are connected to the internet.

You can also have it transferred to another device and it now even works with a Windows-based PC. To answer the other question here are a few things that can be backed up on iCloud:

  • 앱 데이터
  • SMS, MMS, and iMessage
  • 사진 및 비디오
  • 통화 기록
  • 서류
  • 기기 설정
  • Screen Display and Apps Layout
  • Homekit Configuration
  • 벨소리

Take note though there is other stuff that can be backed up on iCloud but once the contents of your device are already stored they will no longer be included when your device performs another backup.

Also, keep in mind that you have to take note of your storage capacity and carefully monitor if you still have enough space left. You get 5GB of iCloud storage free initially but if you run out you would need to purchase extra storage for a monthly fee.

Part 2: Methods to Perform iCloud Backup

The process is quite easy and you can set it to be done automatically or you can perform a manual backup.

  • Step 1: Connect to a strong Wifi network (or you can use your cellular data plan as long as it is stable enough)
  • Step 2: Go to "Settings" on your device
  • Step 3: Tap on iCloud then make sure that "iCloud Backup" is enabled (this will now automatically set your device to be backed up automatically)
  • Step 4: Now for manual back up select "Back Up Now" stay connected to the internet until it is completed. (you will be shown the details of the most recent file created right below)

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

Part 3: Reasons Why iCloud Backup Takes longer to Fix and Complete

There may be several 요인 why you would experience a bit of a delay or it might not even work at all. Listed below are these issues that may cause the iCloud backup to slow down and common solutions to each.

  • Not enough iCloud storage- You get 5GB의 무료 저장 용량 so if you have files that are larger then this will be an issue.
    It will not be able to complete it so your option would either be reducing the files or purchasing additional storage.
  • Slow internet- This is one of the most important factors that affect the process in total. If you have an intermittent 인터넷 연결 or the speed is not enough to support the process you would definitely be waiting for a while to finish.
    It is advisable to check your network settings or do a speed test. You may even try connecting to another network or go to your device's settings and do a reset.
    Mind you this will refresh all settings back to default so better remember all necessary info in order to connect it again.
  • Outdated iOS version- It affects not just iCloud but all other apps that you have on your device. It just doesn't slow down the performance of your device but some features might not be completely usable.
    Always check for an update and download any new ones available. Simply go to 설정>일반>소프트웨어 업데이트.
  • Clogged system due to unnecessary data- The iCloud app has been developed to be able to back up several types of data on your device.
    This can be filtered so if there are data that you don't really need to back up you can turn them off by going to Settings>iCloud> Then toggle which app data you would like to exclude.

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

Part 4: Use the FoneDog Toolkit to Improve the Backup Process

With all the things a person needs to accomplish every day you got to admit that when one thing that you need to finish asap takes forever it gets pretty frustrating.

Who really wants that especially with such a simple task as backing up data? Yes, the size of the file and the speed of your internet plays into factor but there are ways to speed up the process.

Or, better yet find an alternative way altogether. Now, here is where the FoneDog 툴킷 will please you. It has the 데이터 백업 및 복원 feature that allows you to seamlessly backup all your important data when using iCloud is giving you a headache.

It is fast and gives you 성공 100 % each time you use it. You can select which files to back up which in turn would cut the process short since it will minimize the size of data you're gonna be copying.

Restoration of files is a breeze as well. No need to worry about any data loss or existing ones being overwritten. Here are the simple steps on how to benefit from the Data Backup and Restore of the toolkit.

Here are the steps for iOS data backup:

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iCloud에 iPhone을 백업하는 데 시간이 얼마나 걸립니까?

You may have known about the steps of how to backup iPhone data to iCloud. But how long does it take to backup iPhone to iCloud? Actually the time you spend on the data backup is based on the data size: Larger data you have, more time you will spend.

However, here is a helpful method of how to shorten the time you will take to backup iPhone to iCloud. Follows the steps below:

1단계: 툴킷 다운로드 및 설치

Go to the official website to download the FoneDog Toolkit and follow the easy steps to install. Once done launch the software after connecting your device. It will automatically detect then show you the main dashboard.

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

Step 2: iOS Data Backup & Restore feature

Among other features, this is what you would need to select on the options shown on the screen. On the next page click on "iOS 데이터 백업".

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Step 3: Choosing a Data backup mode

Now, this is where it gets interesting. Aside from the "표준" type of backup which is pretty much as the word implies normal type used most often. You will have the ability to choose another type.

You can add another layer of security to your data by using the "암호화 된" back up feature of the toolkit, This will allow you to set up a passcode to protect any sensitive or private data you have. It gives you peace of mind that your files are secured further.

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Step 4: Picking out the data type to backup

After you chose the backup mode you would prefer to use click on "스타트" this will bring you to a page where you will see all the files categorized based on data type. This makes it easier for you to select which ones you would like to backup.

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Step 5: Sit tight and let the toolkit finish the process

클릭하여 "다음 것" the toolkit will now scan all the files you selected and proceed with the actual backup process. Refrain from doing anything else for the meantime to avoid interrupting the backup which might cause problems.

You will be given a notification that it has been completed, details such name and size will be displayed. In the end, you will also have the option to either add more or restore the files.

아이클라우드 속도 개선 - aikeullaudeu sogdo gaeseon

Here is about how to restore data from iOS data backup:

Step 1: Transferring files using the iOS Data Restore

If in case you would like to copy your files onto another device or you have extra space on your current one and would like to restore some of your backed up data simply go back to the main menu then select iOS Data Restore or when you still have your device plugged at the end of the backup process select "Restore iOS Data".

Step 2: Choose the backup file to transfer

Now the toolkit will show you all available backups, in which the most recent one created will be shown on top as default.

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Step 3: Quick scan of the file

Once you've decided which file to restore all you have to do is click "지금보기" this will prompt the toolkit to scan all the contents of the backup file. The progress is shown which also gives you the ability to pause or stop the scan completely.

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Step 4: Complete the transfer of your data

A more comprehensive view of the contents will be outlined once the scan has completed. Each category has a drop-down option so you can review it one by one. After you've previewed the data you can now either have it restored to another device or your PC.

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We all have so many things to do day by day that most of the time tasks like making sure our data is secured can sometimes be a drag. Especially if it takes longer than we expect.

이제 FoneDog 툴킷, you can keep your data safe and secured as efficient as possible. Less is more as they say. So less time you spend on the whole backup process the more you can do other stuff that matters.