발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning

발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning
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발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning

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It means fire on your feet (already known)

As you know agricultular stage, man power is most important to get a meal, so physical damage was fatal. Not only other country, early Korean was same, especially after war.

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Be overcharged; get a rip-off

Influence; arouse interest

Be too much crowded; be jammed up (with people)

Set out actively (to do); be forward (to do)

1. Interrupt 2. Take advantage of a person's weak spot

1. Be tied to (a job) 2. Have one's sore spot found

Cease to visit; break off relation

Wash one's hands of (an affair)



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🌟 발등에 불(이) 떨어지다

1. 일이 몹시 급박하게 닥치다.

🗣️ Usage Example:

  • 발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning
    무슨 일이에요? 발등에 불이 떨어진 것처럼 서둘러서.
    What's going on? in a hurry as if one's feet were on fire.
    발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning
    이번 주까지라고 생각했던 기획서 제출이 오늘까지이었어요.
    The proposal i thought was due this week was due today.

발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning
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발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning

발등에 불이 떨어지다 meaning - baldeung-e bul-i tteol-eojida meaning
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