Grammar Zone 기본편 1 PDF - Grammar Zone gibonpyeon 1 PDF

He has a talent for music. Now watch-I put this egg in this hat. Bill drinks heavily. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.


a. . b. -- . c. . d. . / talent / consist of ~ / hydrogen / oxygen

46 | G-zone

B .1. 1

My plane leaves in an hour. Ill talk to them when I meet them. Hell do it if you pay him.

: () , ( go, come), (start, leave, arrive, return), (begin, open, end, finish) . - .



I hear youre moving. I forget Marys phone number.

say, hear, be told, learn forget, understand . .

a. 1 . b. . c. . d. . e. . / move

Grammar Plus 1 will .

If you will join us, we will all be happy. ( .)2 .

I dont know when the book will come out. ( .) The time will come when you will understand it. ( .)3 . .

I will take the first bus that comes. ( .) I hope he is on time. ( .)

Exercise 01 .

1. He lives in this apartment. 2. I will wait here till he comes. 3. If it rains tomorrow, well stay at home. 4. Grace says you told her to come over here. 5. We start tomorrow morning.


| 47



A .

God created all things on earth. I belonged to the party. He often asked me odd questions. cf. He used to[would] asked me odd questions. I never heard him laugh.

cf. used to would . (|| Unit 21 B) = I have never heard him laugh. . ever, never .

a. . b. . c. . d. . / create / odd ,

B 1 1 ()

She arrived after all the guests (had) left. All the guests (had) left before she came.

, .2


I didnt know you were there.



3 .

If she were dressed in white, she might look quite pretty.

(|| Unit 25)

a. . b. . c. . d. .

48 | G-zone

More Examples 1 : .

I thought she was right. ( .)2 : .

I think she was right. ( .)

Exercise 02 .

1. They usually visited the place Sunday afternoons. 2. He arrived after I did. 3. Did you ever see such a beautiful butterfly? 4. The Iraq War broke out in 2003. 5. If I were you, I wouldnt do that.


13A willshall1


I will be seventeen next birthday. You will feel better after a rest. Will it be very cold tonight?

.~ will .



I will wait until he comes. Shall I call you a taxi?

. . : will . Shall I~? ~?


| 49

Will you sell your car to him?

Will you~? ~? a. . b. . c. ? d. . e. ? f. ? / ?

Grammar Plus () (I) () (You) ()

1 2

I will~

( ~)

Shall I~? (~?) Will you~? *(You shall)(~?)

You will~(~)

He will~3 (~) *2 3 shall .

*(He shall)

*(Shall he~?)

B willshall Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain. I was about to call her when she came. The Party Convention is to be held in July. be going to-v: ~ , ~ ,

be about to-v: ~ = be just going to-v, be on the point of v-ing be to-v: ~ (|| Unit 37 B) be due to-v: ~ = be scheduled to-v: ~, ~ timetable, program, calendar

Mr. Bell is due to make a speech tonight. Next Christmas falls on a Friday.

a. . . b. . c. 7 . d. . e. . / party ; , / convention ( ) , / fall on ( ) ~

50 | G-zone

Exercise 03 .

1. You are able to catch the last train. (will) 2. I want you to allow me to call you later. (shall: ) 3. She resigns at the end of next month. (be due to) 4. The sun sinks in the west. (be about to) 5. He is a doctor to cure patients who have heart diseases. (be going to)



, . .

What are you doing now? cf. What do you do? I am getting up at 7 this week. cf. I get up at 7 every morning. Mary is always acting foolishly.

cf. ( ) [ ] cf.

always, forever, constantly .

My aunt is coming soon. When you get home, Ill be flying over the Pacific.


a. ? cf. ? b. 7 . cf. 7 . c. . d. . e. .


| 51

B .

I think they are coming.[am thinking]

: know,

remember, doubt(), think : like, love, hate : have, belong, consist(), contain() : see, hear,

He loves Clara very much.[is loving]

I have quite a lot to say.[am having]

I hear a strange sound.[am hearing]

smell, taste, feel : be, resemble(), differ (), want, lack()

He resembles his father closely.[is resembling]

a. . b. [ ]. c. . d. . e. .

Grammar Plus . 1 be, think

He is being very polite today. ( .) She was thinking what to do next. ( .)2 have eat spend

He came in when I was having lunch. ( .) They are having a good time. ( .)3

What are you looking at? ( ?) I was listening but heard nothing. ( .) The cook was tasting the soup. ( .)

Exercise 04 .

1. Im smelling gas. 2. When are you leaving? 3. Who is this house belonging to? 4. You are continually making poor excuses. 5. What are you doing? -I work for an IT company.

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���� ���ο��� G-ZONE �ø��� Ư¡
Learning Grammar with
- ���۽� �����Ϳ� ����� ���� �׸� ����, ���ʿ��� ���� ������ ������ �ֿ� ���� �߽� ����
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- �پ��� ������ ���� ������ �ܶ� ���ظ� ���� ü������ �н����� ���� ����� ���

Grammar Plus
-Speaking: ���� ȸȭ���� ����Ǵ� ������ ������ ���� �߽� ����
- Vocabulary: �پ��� ������ ��Ȳ�� ����� �� �ִ� ������ ���� �� ǥ�� �н�
- Writing: ������ ������ ���� ������ ���� ���� Ȱ��� �� ���� �ɷ� ��ȭ
- Reading: �ش� ���� ������ ����� ���� �н��� ���� ������ ���� ���� �� ���ط� ���

2) Ư����
G-ZONE �⺻���� Ư¡
Authentic Examples: �ǻ�Ȱ���� ���Ǵ� ������ ���� ���� ��� �ʿ��� �ٽ� ���� �н�
Grammar Skills and Writing Ability: dz���� ���� ������ ���� �ܰ躰 �н����� ���� �Ƿ°� ���� �ɷ� ��ȭ
Comprehensive Vocabulary: �پ��� ������ ��Ȳ�� �����ϰ� ������ ���� ����
Grammar for Reading: �н��� ������ ����� �ǿ� �� �м� ������ ���� ���� ����� ���

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�� ���� ������ ������ �Բ� �н��ϰ�, Exercise�� ���� �н��� ������ Ȯ���ϼ���. ���ǹ��� �帱���� ������� �淯�ִ� ������ ������ �̸������ dz���� ���� ������ ���� ��� �ִ� ������ ü���� �� �ֽ��ϴ�. Grammar in Reading������ �پ��ϰ� ��̷ο� ������ ������ ���� ���� ����°� ���ط��� ���ÿ� ����� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
�� �� Chapter�� �н��� ������ Review Test�� ���� �������� �ϼ���. �׽�Ʈ�� ���� ���� ���� �н� ���ص��� �����ϰ�, ���ư� ���� ���� �� ������ ü�������� ����� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
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�� Beyond Grammar������ ������ ������ �����ϱ� ���� �������ֹǷ� �� ���� ���������� ����Դ� ������ ���� ���� �ְ� ������ �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
�� �н��� ������ ���� �� ���� ������ Ǯ�� ���� �ʹٸ�, Grammar Zone Workbook�� �Բ� �н��ϸ� �����ϴ�.
