스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR


by 알자(Arja0508) 2022. 2. 5.

스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR

Credit :

- Created by Slordar

Description :

- A mod that adds 60 new hover animations

Requirments :

- Dynamic Animation Replacer

- Better Jumping SE (Optional)

- True Directional Movement (Optional) 

- Crouch Sliding (Optional) 

- SmoothCam  (Optional)

DL :

- SB's Mage Hover Animations - DAR

스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR
스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR

영상을 새로 만들지는 않았지만 내용은 새롭게 구성한 버전.

기존에는 공격도중에 회피키를 입력하면 회피공격이 발동됐지만

이게 딜레이없이 무한 딜링을 할 수 있는 꼼수가 돼버려서 너프겸 새롭게 구성.

1타 공격중에 회피키 입력시 첫번째 동영상에 소개처럼 구르기 회피가 발동.

2타 이후부터 회피키 입력시 회피공격이 발동됨.

하지만 NPC는 1타 공격중에도 바로 회피공격을 사용할수있게 만들어서 

전투에 긴장감을 더했음. 

Required mode


Dynamic Animation Replacer


TK Dodge SE


Smooth Combo Animation Framework Fix

(해당 페이지에서 설치방법 충분히 숙지후 설치 요망.)




DAR Combat Dodge Animation


57.8 KB file on MEGA


스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR
스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR

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스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR

I’ve just noticed it hasn’t been updated for ages and I want to use some mods on the anniversary edition.

스카이 림 DAR - seukai lim DAR

level 1

I’m pretty sure it did work with AE until the most recent update, which requires SKSE mods to recompile. You might be able to downgrade to an earlier AE and use it.

level 2

How would I downgrade to an earlier AE?

level 1

The only person who can answer that is the mod creator

level 2

I’ve heard they disappeared.

level 1

Unlikely that it gets ported past 1.6.353, from what I can tell. Someone will probably make a replacement at some point if demand is high enough, but it'll be a long time before people want to switch to 1.6.640 mainline regardless.

level 2

Makes sense I guess it must be hassle to constantly update mods especially the way skyrim is going.

level 1

I'm currently using it in AE. Works fine, though possibly not for the most recent update yet.

level 1

I’m just sick of these updates because they break mods. You will never see me migrate over to AE. I’m sticking with SE.

level 1

I'm playing a mod list bully for AE it includes DAR. Works for me

level 1

Is DAR not being updated the reason True Spear Combat never worked for me?

I could never get that mod to work, someone had to at some point.

level 2

Yeah I believe that’s the reason.

level 1

A lot of .dll mods are abandoned. Most mod authors came out of retirement to update their mods to the initial AE build, but we can't expect them to keep updating their mods every time Bethesda releases a minor update. If you want maximum mod compatibility, I suggest downgrading to 1.5.97.

level 2

I’m struggling with the downgrade. I managed to roll back my game but MO2 was saying I had the wrong SKSE everytime I try and run the game.

level 1

I feel far more at peace since olling back to 1.5 and swapping over SKSE and all my dll plugs for Pre-AE.

I'm not updating this game ever again.

level 2

Considering how Bethesda insists on releasing new updates using 1.5.97 is the best thing you can do. Old executable works just fine with new data and even CC content. All new SKSE mods support both 1.5.97 and 1.6.xx, and since 1.5.97 isn't going anywhere it will be supported even if author disappears and Todd rolls out another update.

level 1

I got it to work with AE. I didn’t even know there was a debate on whether or not it was compatible.

level 2

That’s very lucky, I just can’t get it to work