어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

어디예요 Where is it? 어디 있어요? Where does it exist? Where is it located? (sounds a bit more specific) This is what I think the difference is. I think I say the first more often - if I always say the second instead, I'd sound demanding. I'll be watching this question to see what other Koreans think about it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me add some more. For stuff, we say "어디 있어요?", not "어디예요?" 그 책 어디 있어요? Where is the book? 그 책 어디예요 doesn't make sense. 그 식당 어디예요? Where is the restaurant? 그 식당 어디 있어요? Where is the restaurant located? 지금 어디예요? Where are you now? 지금 어디 있어요? Where are you now? (sounds a bit specific, it's asking the listener's location)

Even though both map to the English phrase "where is ~", consider the meaning difference between 이다 and 있다.

이다: to be equal to, to be a point in time or space

있다: to exist, to be at a point in time or space

It sounds awkward to ask "책 어디예요?" because the book is not equal to a place. Likewise if you're looking for a third person. For objects or talking about a third person you use "어디 있어요?"

However, if you're looking for a place (including things like buildings, rooms, etc), or asking where the person you're talking to is right now (over the phone) you can say either one, with a slight difference in nuance.

X 어디예요? Where is X?

X 어디 있어요? Where is X located?

The former is probably better if you're looking for directions, the latter might more likely get you an address or a description of the place where it is/they are.

어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

This Korean FAQ episode is for people who are high beginner or above, at least. Or for anyone who's learned that both 어디 있어요 and 어디예요 are both valid ways of asking where something is. Well, both are valid... in most cases.

Did you know there's actually a difference between using 있다 ("to exist") and 이다 ("to be") with 어디 ("where")? This is something I couldn't find explained in other videos, so I wanted to show how it works.

Do you have any suggestions for future Korean FAQ episodes? Let me know~!

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어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

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어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

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어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

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어디예요 vs 어디 있어요 - eodiyeyo vs eodi iss-eoyo

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어디예요 vs 어디에요?

'어디'는 '어디이다/어디입니까/어디이고'처럼 뒤에 서술격 조사 활용형이 오고, 문의하신 경우에는 '어디이에요'가 되는데, '이에요'가 모음 뒤에서 대개 '예요'로 줄어 쓰입니다. 따라서 '어디에요'가 아니라 '어디예요'로 쓰입니다.

어디서 VS 어디에서?

Difference between 어디/어디서/어디에서 - 어디: where(n); a place. - 어디에: where(adv). 어디에 is commonly shortened to 어디 (어디 있니? = 어디에 있니?). - 어디에서: where(adv).

있어요 vs 있나요?

⚠"있어요 & 있나요" are conjugated from the word "있다". ⚠The only difference is the feeling of the speaker or the one who is talking or asking.