오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

�� Origin�� line, symbol, column, bar, pie, stock,statistical, contour, area �� ������ ���� ���� 2D �׷��� template �� �����ϸ�, ternary, polar, vector, windrose, waterfall �� ������ Ưȭ�� plot Ÿ�Ե� �����մϴ�.

�� Origin �׷����� ������ �������� �迭�� �� �ִ� �ټ��� XY�� ��(layer)�� ������ �� ������, layer ��ü�� ���� ����� ���� �����մϴ�. Offsets �� ������ �ټ��� X �Ǵ�Y ���� �����մϴ�.

�� ��� �׷��� ��Ҵ� ���� �׸��� �������ϰ� customize�� �� ������, ���� �������� ��ȭ���� �����մϴ�. Customize �� �׷����� ���� �� �� �ִ� template �̳� theme �� ���嵵 �����մϴ�.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Overlapping Layers with Linked X Axis

    A multi-Y (3Y-YY) graph with three overlapping layers sharing a common X axis. Note that the Y axis line and label color matches the data plot.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Marginal Distribution Curve Plot

    Graphs in Origin are highly customizable. This tutorial will show how to customize the marginal histogram to display distribution curves instead of columns.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Line Plot with Above/Below Fill Color

    This multi-layer graph plots daily temperature fluctuations for New York City, over several months in 2013. Origin's Fill Area Under Curve feature is used to highlight how daily temps fluctuated in relation to record and average highs and lows.

  • PROJECT 01

    Small Title

    오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga


  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Box Chart with Position by Variable

    This box chart plots precipitation for Seattle, Washington, USA during September of 2013. Both box position and the X axis tick locations are controlled by the "Date" variable.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Grouped Stacked Column

    In Origin, multiple datasets can be plotted as a stacked column graph. Usually these datasets are grouped together by default. In addition, subgrouping is possible for stacked column graphs such as the one

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Stacked Histogram with Weibull Curve Overlay

    This series of stacked Histogram plots displays the distribution of student grades per quarter. Note: The data used for this graph is not scientific.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Grouped Box Chart with Color-Indexed Data Points

    Origin can be used to create grouped box plots from raw data with data points and distribution curves.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Grouped Box Chart

    The X axis is set as a table using a Tick Label Table to show relevant grouping information. Additionally, gaps has been enabled between subgroups to separate them. This is accomplished by checking the Gap Between Subgroups/Subsets box in the Table Layout branch in the Axis Dialog.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Grouped Line Plot with Log Scale

    This series of stacked Histogram plots displays the distribution of student grades per quarter. Note: The data used for this graph is not scientific.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Multiple Axis Breaks

    Origin supports multiple break on an axis as shown below. The number of breaks and the break positions can be customized in the Axis dialog box.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Scatter Matrix

    A scatter matrix is a pair-wise scatter plot of several variables presented in a matrix format. It can be used to determine whether the variables are correlated and whether the correlation is positive or negative.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Stacked Polar Column

    The basic graph type here is a "Theta (X) r(Y)" polar plot, meaning that the angular data are contained in a single X column and the radius data are contained in a single Y column. In this graph, after making a standard polar plot, we open the Plot Details dialog box and change the Plot Type to Column/Bar to make a polar column plot.

�ֿ�޴� ���ð���

�� Origin�� OpenGL�� ����Ͽ� ������� �������� 3D �׷����� �Ķ���ͱ���� plot�� �����մϴ�.

�� wireframe, colormap surface with contour projection, scatter, bar, ribbon, wall �� ���� ���� ����� ���ø��� �����մϴ�.

�� �ټ��� �����ͼµ��� ���� ���̾ �׷����� ����� �� �� ������, ������ �����ͼ��� ���������� ���� �Ǵ� flatten �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

�� ���� ������ plot���� error bar�� �����Ǹ�, ����� �κ��� ������ ���� �� �� �ֵ��� ���ø��̳� �׸��� ������ �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Bar Plot with Transparency

    This is a matrix-based 3D bar graph with Z values as color map. There are two kinds of 3D bar graph in Origin, 3D XYY Bars from worksheet and 3D Bars from a Z matrix.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Waterfall with Y-Color Mapping

    3D waterfall with with Y color mapping is an OpenGL-based 3D graph. The Y values in each column define an XY face with white fill color. All XY faces are arranged in the Z direction by the values in the specified label row. Color mapping is applied to the lines in Y direction.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Bar Plot with Error Bars

    This graph shows a 3D bar plot with error bars. The 3D bars display the seasonal mean temperature during a period of time, and the error bars indicate the standard deviation. Z Colormap is used in the bar plot.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Scatter Plot with Size and Color Mapping

    This tutorial will demonstrate how to create a 3D scatter plot with Z colormap from XYZ data in a worksheet, set scatter size proportional to the data in a specified column, and create projections of the data on all three axis planes.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    XYY Wall Plot

    This 3D XYY Wall graph from Origin profiles the optical response of a YBCO superconductor. Grid lines are displayed in each plane to enhance the graph��s readability. To optimize the final presentation, this 3D graph has been rotated and tilted using Origin��s 3D toolbar.

  • 오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

    Stacked Polar Column

    The basic graph type here is a "Theta (X) r(Y)" polar plot, meaning that the angular data are contained in a single X column and the radius data are contained in a single Y column. In this graph, after making a standard polar plot, we open the Plot Details dialog box and change the Plot Type to Column/Bar to make a polar column plot.

�ֿ�޴� ���ð���

��Origin�� ����ڰ� �ݺ��ǰų� �������� �����͸� ����� �� �ֵ��� ���� ���� �����մϴ�:

�����Ǵ� �׽�Ʈ ��ɵ� :

1. Statistics on Rows
2. Frequency Counts
3. 2D Frequency Count/Binning
4. Discrete Frequency
5. Normality Test
6. Distribution Fit [PRO ���]
7. Correlation Coefficient [PRO ���]

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

�����ġ�� ������ ����� ���� 7���� ���� ���� �׽�Ʈ�� �����մϴ�.
�������Ǵ� �׽�Ʈ ��ϵ�:

��One-Sample t-Test
��Two-Sample t-Test
��Pair-Sample t-Test
��Two-Sample t-Test on Rows [PRO ���]
��Pair-Sample t-Test on Rows [PRO ���]
��Two-Sample Test for Variance [PRO ���]
��One-Sample Test for Variance [PRO ���]
��Two-Sample Proportion Test [PRO ���]

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

��Digitizer Gadget�� photocopy, fax �Ǵ� scan �۾��� �̹����� ���� �׷��� �̹������� �����͸� extract �� �� ������,
���� �׷������� ���� ��ǥ���� �����ϰ�, Origin ��ũ��Ʈ�� �׷����� �����ϱ� ���� �ټ��� data curve�� ������ȭ�մϴ�. ��gadget�� ����Ͽ� �Ʒ��� �۾��� �����մϴ�:

�� ����ϱ� ���� GUI�� ����Ͽ� �̹����� ������ȭ
�� �̹����� ȸ��
�� ������ �� �ִ� line�� ����Ͽ� X, Y �� ��ǥ�� ����
�� �׷����� ��ǥ�� ��Ȯ���� üũ�ϱ� ���Ͽ� ���� �� ������ �������� ���
�� �ټ��� data set�� �����ϸ� �ټ��� trace�� ������ȭ
�� data points�� ���� label�� �߰�

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga
오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

��Organizing Your Data
Origin�� ������� �����͸� �����ϴ� �� ����, �����ϸ�, �����������ٹ��� �����մϴ�.

�������Ǵ� ���

�� Origin Project file(OPJ)�� ������, note,�׷��� �� �м� ����� ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� �ϳ��� document�� ����
�� Project Explorer â�� ������Ʈ �ȿ��� ���� �׺���̼��� �����ϰ� ��
�� Workbooks, Matrices support multiple sheets, columns/objects �� �߰����� metadata ����� ���� organizer panel ���

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga
오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

��Data Exploration
Origin�� �˻� �� ����ڰ� ������ �ִ� �׷��� �����Ϳ��� ��ȣ �ۿ��� ���� ����ϱ� ���� ���� �����մϴ�.

Zoom and Pan
�� �׷��� �κ��� Ȯ��
�� ���ϴ� X/Y scale�� ���� zoom �Ǵ� pan
�� Zoom�� �κ� ���� �������� �׷����� ����

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

Examine Data Points and Related Data
�� ������� �����͸� �˻��ϱ� ���� Data Reader�� Screen Reader ���� ���
�� Data Info ���� �̿��Ͽ� data point�� �аų� �󺧸�, data worksheet�� �ٸ�column���κ��� ������ ���õ� ���� ǥ��
�� Masking ���� �̿��Ͽ� �м��� ���� Ư�� data point�� ���� ����
�� Vertical Cursor Gadget�� ����Ͽ� stack�� �׷������� ���� Ž���ϱ�

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga
오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

Origin�� Excel data�� ���� ���� ��ȸ�� �����ϸ�, �Ʒ��� ��ɵ��� �����մϴ�.�� Origin���� Excel�� �Ϻ��� ��Ȯ���� �����ϸ� data�� copy-paste
�� Cell �������� �����ϰ� ��� �κ��� �����ϸ鼭 Excel ������ Origin ��ũ��Ʈ�� import
�� Origin �󿡼� Excel ��ũ���� �ٷ� ����
�� Origin Project(OPJ)�� ���õ� Excel ������ ���� ������ ����, Origin���� ������ Excel workbook�� OPJ ���ϰ� ���õ� ��ο� �Բ� ���������� ����

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga
오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

LabTalk�� Origin���� �Ļ��� ��ũ��Ʈ�� ��� �Դϴ�. ������ ���� �� ������ �ڵ�ȭ�� ���� ������ �۾��� ����, LabTalk�� ���� ���� ���� �˴ϴ�.
������� Ư���� �ʿ信 ���� ��ũ��Ʈ�� �����ϱ� ���Ͽ� ũ�Ⱑ ū X-Function �÷����� ������ ��ũ��Ʈ ���ɾ function�� ��ä�ο� set��
������ �� �ֽ��ϴ�. Custom ��ũ��Ʈ �ڵ�� ���� �׷��� �� ��ư, ��ũ��Ʈ, ���ο� ���� ��ư,custom �޴� �����ۿ� �ο��� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

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오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

Origin C (Origin�� ������� Origin C project�� ���� Code Builder�� �Ҹ��� ��÷�� �ý����� ���յ� ���� ȯ���� �����մϴ�.)
Origin C�� ANSI C�� �⺻���� �ϰ� C++�� C# feature�� ������ �ϴ� ���α׷��� ����Դϴ�.

�� ��ũ��Ʈ, ��Ʈ������ �׷����� ���� ��� Origin object�� property ���� �� ����
�� ������ �м� �� �׷���ȭ ������ �ڵ�ȭ
�� �ܺ� dynamic link library(DLL)�� ��ũ
�� Origin�� ���Ե� NAG library function�� ���� C/Fortran library ��ƾ�̳� �ٸ� ������ ������ library�� �ҷ���

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

����� ������������ ���̽��� �����ϰų� ���̽㿡�� �������� �׼��� �� �� �ֵ��� PyOrigin ����� �̿� �� �� ������ �������� ���̽��� ����� �� �ִ� ȯ���� �����մϴ�.

Recalculation of Analysis Results
Origin�� ��κ��� �м� �� data ���μ��� �۾����� ���� ���� ����� �ڵ� �Ǵ� ������ ������ �����մϴ�.
�̸� ���� data�Ǵ� �м� parameter�� �����Ǿ��� �� ���� ������Ʈ�� �����ϸ�, ��� ������ ó������ �ٽ� ��ƾ� �ϴ�
���ŷο��� �����ݴϴ�. �� ���� �۾��� ���⹰�� �ٸ� �۾��� �Է¹��� ���� �� ������, �۾����� ü�ΰ� ���õ� ������� ������Ʈ �ɼ� �ְ� �մϴ�.

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오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

Batch Plotting
Origin ��ġ �÷��� �����մϴ�. ����� �����Ͱ� ���� ���� ����, ��ũ ��Ʈ �Ǵ� �÷����ִ� ��쿡,
����� �ϳ��DZ׷����� ���� ���� �ٸ� �����͸� ����Ͽ� �ش� �׷����� ���� �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

Batch Analysis
�������� ��ġ �м��� �����ϴ� �پ��� ������� �����մϴ�. �� Repeat Analysis on All Plots in Graph or All Columns in Worksheet
�� Copy & Paste Fitting Operation to other Plots
�� Copy & Paste Formula between Columns
�� Use Gadgets for Analyzing Multiple Curves

오리진 그래프 레이어 추가 - olijin geulaepeu leieo chuga

�ݺ����� �м��� �����ϰų� ��� ���α׷��� �۾� ���� custom ����Ʈ�� ���� �� Origin�� ��� �Ͻʽÿ�.

Origin�� ���ο� multi-sheet ��ũ���� ����ڰ� cell ���빰�� �ܰ��� �����ϰų�, cell�� merge�ϰų� border�� �ٸ� ������ ������ ������ �� �ְ� �մϴ�.
�� ���ư�, ��� �м� ����� å�̳� ������Ʈ�� ���Ե� �׷������� ���� ������� paste-link�� �����Ͽ�, �̸� ���� custom ����Ʈ ��Ʈ�� ���� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
�м� ����� �ڵ� ���� ����� �̿��Ͽ� ������� custom ����Ʈ ��Ʈ�� �ݺ��Ǵ� ������ ���� template���� ����� �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

ó������ ���� data�� import�ϸ� custom report�� �ڵ����� ������Ʈ�Ǵ� ���� �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.
����Ʈ�� �����Ǹ� PDF �����̳� EPS�� JPEG�� ���� �������� �̹��� ������ ����Ͽ� �̹��� ���Ϸ� export �� �� �ֽ��ϴ�.

Origin�� fitting ������ �پ��� ��Ʈ���� ���� �մϴ�.

Origin�� linear, polynomial, nonlinear curve fitting�� ���� �پ��� ���� �����մϴ�.
Fitting routine�� fit�� ���� ����� �����ϱ� ���� �ֽŽ��� �˰����� �� ������� ������ ������ ����Ʈ ��Ʈ�� ����մϴ�.
Custom fitting ����Ʈ�� �����ϸ�, �� fitting�� ���� �м� template���μ� customize�� template�� �����ϸ�, �ټ��� dataset�� Batch Fitting�� �����մϴ�.

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Fitting ������ ���� �Ʒ��� ��Ʈ���� �����մϴ�.

�� ������ ������ �Է�
�� �پ��� ����� function�� �̿��Ͽ� fitting ����
�� Custom fitting function�� �����ϱ� ���� wizard
�� Multi-dataset fitting modes: �ټ��� dataset�� ���������� �Ǵ� ����� fit mode���� fitting, ������ parameter�� �̿� global fit�� ���
�� Fit ����Ʈ�� ��� �� parpmeter ���⹰�� fitting
�� ���� �м�(Residuals analysis)
�� ���ο� X/Y ���� ���ϴ� ��ġ�� ����ϱ� ���� fit curve�� inerpolation
�� �����ͳ� parameter�� ��ȭ �Ǿ��� �� �ڵ������� fitting ����� �ٽ� ���
�� ������� ���ð� ���ϴ� ����� ����, batch ���μ����� ���� template�� �м�

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